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UNESCO invites contributions to wiki directory
What are the most successful, effective and productive educational activities promoting a culture of peace in Canada? UNESCO is collecting and publishing a directory of projects that encourage a culture of peace and respect for human rights and democratic values. The project will contribute to UNESCO’s International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World. For more information, visit (English) or (French).
Interactive workshops teach students about the UN
“What Kind of World...?” is the title of a free program offered by the Edmonton Branch of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNAC). The program teaches children in Grades 3–8 about the UN, Canada’s role in the UN and human rights. UNAC delivers three one-hour interactive workshops to students. The first workshop introduces students to the UN. The second workshop discusses the UN’s specialized agencies and programs and the third workshop focuses on human rights. For more information, visit UNAC’s website (
Crystal meth subject of free student DVD
The devastating effect of crystal meth is the theme of Wasted Angels by Multi-Youth Productions, in Stony Plain. The student performers, under the direction of school teacher Carol Gilchrist, write and produce theatre productions on subjects of interest to junior and senior high students. Wasted Angels has been filmed professionally and is available at no cost to schools across Alberta. To obtain a free copy of the DVD and teacher’s manual, contact Judy Kesanko, Multicultural Heritage Centre. Telephone: 780-963-2777 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays); e-mail:
Association publications are informative and timely
The Alberta Teachers’ Association has several new publications of interest to teachers. The Future of Teaching in Alberta, based on discussions with teachers, reviews current trends in education and examines the future of teaching in Alberta. The Early Years of Practice: Interim Report of a Five-Year Study of Beginning Teachers in Alberta summarizes the findings at the end of Year 3 of a five-year study that is tracking the experiences of teachers who began teaching in 2007. We Are Teachers. Teaching is Our Profession is designed to inform, educate and engage members. The brochure reinforces the value and importance of the core work of the Association and highlights the ATA’s principal programs and services. The Courage to Choose: Emerging Trends and Strategic Possibilities for Informed Transformation in Alberta Schools: 2010–2011 draws on ATA research and attempts to answer the question: “What kind of society do we want to create in Alberta and what kind of teaching and learning will get us there?” Here Comes Everyone is designed to help school staff establish educational practices that honour and reflect intercultural perspectives. The publication features practical advice for teachers, tips for administrators and a list of community resources. To order your copy, contact Distribution at Barnett House, in Edmonton (e-mail:
WOW! ATA workshops are only $100!
ATA workshop fees are only $100 per workshop. For information, visit the Alberta Teachers’ Association website ( and under the heading Professional Development, click on Workshops, Courses and Presentations to obtain information. Book a workshop by contacting Barnett House, in Edmonton. Telephone: 780-447-9417 (in Edmonton and area) or call tollfree in Alberta at 1-800-232-7208 or by e-mail at Please book workshops six weeks in advance.
We’d like to hear your story
Did you leave teaching after three to five years in an Alberta school? Did you graduate from an Alberta faculty of education? Did you graduate with a BEd but have never had a full-time continuing contract in a school? Do you want to tell your story? Researchers at the University of Alberta are interested in learning why teachers leave teaching after only a few years. It is hoped that the information gathered will influence schools and government policies. Identities of participants will be kept confidential. For more information, contact the researchers at or 780-492-7770.